Wir machen die Behandlung Ihres Pferdes oder Ponys zu einem gesunden und angenehmen Erlebnis.
Wir stellen in Großbritannien her, verwenden nur die hochwertigsten Zutaten und führen strenge Qualitätskontrollen und regelmäßige Tests in unabhängigen Prüflabors für Lebensmittelsicherheit durch, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie unsere Pferdenahrungsprodukte bedenkenlos verfüttern können.
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Smarter fibre feeding to support a healthy horse, the PortionPacer Haynet allows you to take control of your horse’s diet with tested feed rates and known fill sizes. With 3-year guarantee.
- 2 x hole sizes (3cm and 6cm).
- 5 x haynet sizes from 2kg – 12kg**.
- 3cm hole size can extend eating times by up to 30% on average*.
- 6cm hole size has a similar feed rate to ad lib, floor fed hay on average.*
- Ideal for weight and dietary management of all horses.
- Helps reduce wastage compared to floor fed hay.
- Improves wellbeing by reducing the amount of time your horse is without food.
- Made from long lasting, strong Polypropylene woven into a knotless design.
- Fully recyclable at home at the end of its long life.
*A field based observational study looking at 10 horses and 10 ponies fed forage from the floor, a 6cm holed net, and a 3cm holed net.
**Based on average haynet fill using dry meadow hay.

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