
Everything you need to keep your endurance horse protected, comfortable and happy in their work. 

From therapy products to boots for ridden work at home or competition. 

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Tri-Zone All Sports Boots
Tri-Zone All Sports Boots



Tri-Zone Brushing Boots
Tri-Zone Brushing Boots



Massage Pad
Massage Pad


From $450.00

Stellar All Weather Headcollar
Stellar All Weather Headcollar



Massage Pad Heatsense
Massage Pad Heatsense


From $741.67

Massage Mitt Hotspot
Massage Mitt Hotspot



Hind & Hock Magnetic Chaps
Hind & Hock Magnetic Chaps



Magnetic Chaps
Magnetic Chaps



Net Relief Riding Mask
Net Relief Riding Mask



Tri-Zone Over Reach Boots
Tri-Zone Over Reach Boots



Massage Mitt
Massage Mitt



Quick Chill Cool Rug
Quick Chill Cool Rug



Hot & Cold Packs



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How Safe is Your Horse's Headcollar?

Headcollars are one of the most used pieces of horse equipment. In fact, 88% of owners use a horse headcollar every day*. As riders, we have safety equipment to protect ourselves, such as boots, hats, and body protectors. This is obviously to prevent injury or the severity of injury in the event of an accident. But is there a need for our horse headcollars to be safe too? We designed our Stellar Headcollar after researching headcollar accidents, read on to find out what we found.

The Benefits of Heat for Your Horse

Some horses, if in discomfort or particularly sensitive, may find massage over stimulating. Using heat on its own is a great tool in these conditions as it is very non invasive, and is usually accepted well by even the most sensitive of souls. Heat should be concentrated on a small area for best effect. For other horses, its a great tool either on its own or combined with massage that reaps several benefits.

Choosing the right Tri-Zone Boot for Your Horse

The Tri-Zone range undergoes independent testing to ensure each boot is up to it's respective job - whether its a Brushing Boot or a boot designed for High Impact. Regardless of the protection level, each boot design is maximised to ensure it remains as breathable, lightweight and flexible as possible to ensure freedom of movement and comfort for your horse.

Equilibrium Magnetic vs. Massage or both?

Would you know when to use Massage or Magnetic on your horse or both?
Animal physiotherapy including Massage and Magnetic use, has become increasingly popular for the maintenance of horses in recent years, but do we really know which product is best suited to use on our horses and when?


Absolutely. The Stellar Headcollar is designed for durability and comfort, making it suitable for daily use, whether for turnout, training, or travelling.

The active rapid cooling effect lasts until the outside surface of the rug feels warm to the touch. The time it takes for the rug and the skin temperature of the horse to equalise varies according to the atmospheric temperature and humidity. Once the rug feels warm, reactivate the cooling effect by wetting the rug as many times as needed. On a typical warm day in the UK the cooling effect lasts a minimum of 10 minutes.

The Quick Chill rug is perfect for cooling the horse down during a stop at a service station, periodically in stand still traffic and after travelling. We do not recommend leaving this rug on the horse for several hours at a time without reactivating the cooling.

Apply cold where required for a minimum of 10 minutes. DO NOT use cold prior to exercise.

For heat, apply where needed for 20 minutes. Ensure the temperature is comfortable before use.

If you want to alternate between cold and hot packs, use them for 10 minutes each for 3 cycles.

Our Stable Chaps are designed to keep joints warm and maintain circulation. We would recommend the Stable Chaps to be worn overnight as they are extremely soft and durable. You can also use the Magnetic Chaps while the horse is stabled overnight.

The Massage Pad Heatsense uses the same massage technology from our original Massage Pad. In our clinical trial the Massage Pad was used 6 days a week. Using it this frequently significantly increased back flexibility and relaxation. Therefore, we recommend using it at least this often to see the maximum benefits.

We do not advise travelling in the massage pad for 2 reasons. The first is that if a horse leans on the Massage Pad on the partition this could damage the Massage Pad. Secondly, to get the most benefit out of a massage the horse needs to be stood at rest.

Low – Most gentle massage ideal for: box rest and after exercise as a gentle warm down

Medium – General everyday setting for use: before exercise as a warm up, at a show to help relax after travelling and on the day off work for your horse as part of a maintenance programme

High – Use for a more intense massage.

All horses are different and you will get to know what your horse enjoys and finds relaxing. Some horses will prefer a gentle massage on the low setting and some may enjoy a more intense massage.