What is Stomatex?

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Vêtements pour chevaux
Vêtements pour chevaux
Bottes pour chevaux
Soleil et vol
Licols et longes
Accessoires d'équitation
Blocs d'alimentation et de foin
Bucket Covers
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Zone d'éducation
Originally developed for human athletes, Stomatex® was designed to provide four way stretch, to enable use around mobile joints, plus excellent support for active limbs, and an outstanding ability to keep the skin dry.
Stomatex® is a revolutionary material, used across a wide range of products throughout the world including the sport and leisure industry, transport and healthcare to name but a few. It is used in the manufacture of heat acclimatisation suits, padding for wheelchairs, special wetsuits and sports injury support bandages.
Stomatex® is an unusual looking, spotty material. It is a high performance fabric made from lightweight, ultra-thin, non porous polyester membrane that has multiple innovative uses. This unique material demonstrates superior tensile strength and elasticity, whilst offering significant advantages over various plastic foam materials.
These factors make Stomatex® ideal for close contour applications where body movement must remain unhindered. Stomatex® works by replicating the way in which the stomata of a plant breaths and removes excess water through transpiration.
Trapped vapour molecules are efficiently removed from beneath the fabric by the flexing action of minute dome shaped chambers, each with a tiny pore in the centre. Reflecting the rate of physical activity, the chambers create a self-contained micro climate, allowing cooler, drier air to pass through at a controlled rate. This keeps the skin free from perspiration and maintains an ideal skin temperature over an extended period of time. By imitating this process Stomatex® is able to overcome the problems of perspiration and over-heating traditionally associated with the use of closed cell foam materials. It can therefore ensure that body heat, blood flow and compression remain consistent during a wide range of activities.
Stomatex® provides a unique four way stretch to enable use around mobile joints such as that in the lower limb of the horse and an outstanding ability to keep skin dry preventing damage from perspiration. The harder the horse works, the more Stomatex® works meaning that more heat will be dispelled from the wrap keeping the leg at a comfortable temperature level.
Stretch & Flex - Choisir entre les bandages Flatwork et Training
Les bandages Stretch & Flex sont fabriqués à partir d'un matériau moderne appelé Stomatex, conçu pour garantir que les jambes de votre cheval restent fraîches et sèches tout en étant bien soutenues et protégées pendant les séances d'exercice. Les deux ensembles de bandages sont merveilleusement doux, souples et flexibles, permettant au cheval de bouger librement, sans sensation de restriction.
Un guide des bottes, enveloppes et mini-chaps pour chevaux
En tant que cavaliers et propriétaires de chevaux, nous demandons à nos chevaux de vivre et de travailler d'une manière qui ne serait pas le cas dans la nature. Par conséquent, nous devons leur fournir une protection des pattes contre les blessures causées par des impacts externes, des blessures auto-infligées et des problèmes liés au stress.
Les essentiels pour temps chaud
Il est rare que nous ayons des vagues de chaleur. Il est donc fort probable que nos chevaux aient du mal à supporter le temps plus chaud, comme nous le serons peut-être aussi !
Voici quelques conseils que nous avons rassemblés pour aider à garder vos chevaux au frais et en bonne santé pendant les journées les plus chaudes.
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