'I can't imagine life without them!' Emma Alcorn reviews Equi-Chaps Close Contact Chaps

Emma Alcorn and Delphi’s story:

Delphi is a 14.2hh Dapple Grey Mare who suffers with the mud during winter. With Delphi having to be turned out 24/7 all year round due to not being able to stable her it has meant that her legs don’t get the chance to recover, resulting in this impacting her jumping career. Emma has owned Delphi for 3 years and has tried multiple lotions and potions to try and fix the problem but nothing has worked. This is where the Equi-Chaps Close Contact Chaps come in!

Emma’s review:

‘As soon as I’d tried them on Delphi I realised that the Equi-Chaps Close Contact Chaps really are ideal and perfect in every way possible!

  • The material used is breathable and stretchy meaning that it didn’t prevent any movement whilst being worn during turnout
  • The boots are extremely quick and easy to put on, and even easier to take off especially when covered in mud thanks to the well designed tabs
  • They‘re a perfect fit and sit snug around every contour of the leg from the knee to the hoof, which made me notice how they act as over-reach and brushing boot due to the full coverage
  • They really do work to prevent mud from getting on the leg. Every time I have taken the boots off, Delphi’s legs have been completely dry, mud free and clean!
  • They aren’t only good for keeping mud off the legs, but also as extra protection in the field, such as bashing legs whilst rolling and getting caught in fencing
  • The Equi-Chaps Close Contact Chaps ensure that legs are kept warm too, helping to keep joints from getting cold during the winter.

After over a week’s use, I have noticed a huge difference in Delphi already. Her legs are completely free from any scabs or sores and she is feeling much better in herself. She’s trotting around the field on her own which she wouldn’t have done before she had her Equi-Chaps Close Contact Chaps!

These boots really are a miracle & I’m so pleased and grateful that we have finally found the perfect piece of equipment to protect Delphi. I can’t imagine life without them now and will most definitely be ordering some more in the future for use on all my horses! I would highly recommend these to anyone and everyone as they truly are something every equestrian should own.’

Find out more about the Equi-Chaps Close Contact Chaps here

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