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Prevention and Treatment of Sweet Itch

Prevention and Treatment of Sweet Itch

Understanding Sweet Itch.  The weather is getting warmer, the sun is high in the sky, and your horse starts itching and rubbing his mane and tail. Sound familiar? Many owners dread the onset of summer because of the continuous threat of sweet itch. Sweet itch, or Summer Seasonal Recurrent Dermatitis, is an allergic reaction to the bites and saliva of Culicoides midges. It affects any breed or age of horse and usually occurs between the months of April and October when midges are most active. The threat of sweet itch should decrease during spring and autumn and disappear during the winter. The allergic reaction can range from mild to very severe, resulting in hair loss and bleeding scabs, which may lead to infection. Therefore, it is essential to recognise sweet itch as soon as possible, and take action to prevent it worsening or, if possible, prevent it from occurring at all. What are the symptoms of sweet itch? Sweet itch symptoms can vary greatly between horses, as some suffer more serious effects than others. Mild symptoms include itching and rubbing, usually around the mane and tail and along the top of the back. This can cause patchy hair loss on the coat and loss of mane and tail hair, which may lead to broken and damaged skin. If left untreated, the damaged skin can become sore and infected. In severe cases, sweet itch can extend under the belly, and down as far as the legs. There are some behavioural signs to look out for, too. Horses suffering with sweet itch may become easily agitated, restless or lethargic and show a lack of concentration during work. Vigorous swishing of the tail or headshaking is also common. How do I prevent sweet itch?Prevention is better than cure, and there are a number of measures you can take to minimise the risk of your horse developing sweet itch. Good management Midges are mostly active at dawn and dusk, so if possible, bring your horse inside at these times. Try protecting your horse in the stable by applying fly repellent or cover the stable door with fly-proof netting. Be aware that certain field conditions are more attractive to midges since they congregate near water or boggy marshes, so try not to turn out near these areas. Fly repellents It’s important to do as much as possible to keep flies and midges away. Using a fly repellent can do just that, and they are available as sprays, creams or gels, so there is something to suit everyone. Horses respond differently to each brand of repellent, so make sure you find the one that is right for your horse. Although usually very effective, repellents do wear off the skin over time, so they may need to be applied a couple of times a day, or every few hours if midges become particularly bad. Sheets and hoods Specially designed sweet itch sheets and hoods are now available which enable horses to be turned out without the need for frequent application of repellents. Special fabrics are often used that midges are unable to penetrate. They added bonus is that they also protect the hair, mane, and tail from being rubbed. How do I treat sweet itch? When sweet itch strikes, it is important to treat it as soon as possible. Keep irritated areas clean and dry. If the skin is sore or broken, apply a healing agent like calamine lotion or a nappy rash cream such as Sudocrem®  to help soothe irritation and soreness. Remember that these products won’t protect from further bites. Rubbing benzyl benzoate into the skin is also known to help (although this is not recommended for use on broken skin), or look for an alternative made from natural ingredients. With good management and care, sweet itch is a manageable condition, allowing you and your horse to enjoy the summer months. However, if the sweet itch becomes too severe, or you are worried about infection, it is always wise to consult your vet. For more information or advice on sweet itch, contact the Itchy Horse Company (Formerly known as the National Sweet Itch Centre), Tel: (01352) 840333; visit: HTTP://WWW.itchyhorse.CO.UK
An introduction to Cushing’s Disease

An introduction to Cushing’s Disease

Introduction to Cushing’s Disease (also known as PPID) What is Cushing’s Disease? Cushing’s Disease (also known as PPID, short for Pituitary Pars Intermediate Dysfunction), is a chronic progressive condition that shares some similarities with equine metabolic syndrome. It is one of most common problems affecting the hormonal (endocrine) system in horses and ponies and particularly in those over 15 years. Thanks to advancements in horse welfare, horses are living longer so Cushing’s Disease is becoming more prevalent. What causes Cushing’s Disease? Cushing’s Disease is caused by the overproduction of hormones by an enlarged and overactive pituitary gland ‐ a pea‐sized gland in the base of brain. The overproduction of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) by the enlarged Pars Intermedia (middle) part of the gland stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol (a steroid hormone). It is the increased levels of cortisol which causes most of the clinical signs associated with Cushing’s Disease. The condition progresses as the nerves connected to pituitary gland slowly degenerate What are the clinical signs of Cushing’s Disease? The most common signs of Cushing’s disease are recurring bouts of laminitis, which is the most serious complication, and hirsutism (excessive hair growth). Cushing’s Disease is the only condition known to cause hirsutism, which ranges from mild changes in coat shedding to the production of a long curly coat. Other symptoms include: excessive sweating; increased appetite; increased drinking and urination; pot‐bellied appearance; lethargy or more docile temperament; poor performance; lower immune function leading to recurrent infections eg skin, respiratory or dental problems; greater susceptibility to worms; loss of muscle condition, particularly over the topline; abnormal fat deposition, particularly around the Insulin resistance is also associated with Cushing’s Disease. How can I prevent or manage Cushing’s Disease? Cushing’s disease is a progressive condition so there is no known prevention. However, the risk of nerve damage may be lower in horses kept in good health with high levels of anti‐oxidants but this is unconfirmed. Similarly, early treatment following diagnosis may slow down the progression but, again, this is unproven. Given their lower immunity, horses with Cushing’s Disease should be on an effective worming, dental and vaccination regimen, plus any wounds should be frequently monitored for infection. Vitamin C supplementation (20 g per day) has been shown to increase antibody response to vaccines in aged horses, especially those with pituitary dysfunction or Cushing’s syndrome. See Feeding horses with EMS & Cushing’s Disease  How is Cushing’s Disease treated? There is no cure but effective treatment is available to address underlying hormonal imbalances. So far, Pergolide is the only licensed medication to demonstrate sufficient benefit and works by reducing the production of cortisol. Pergolide is available in a tablet form that can be hidden in feed. Associated conditions, such as laminitis, also need to be managed and treated accordingly. Horses with Cushing’s Disease may develop insulin resistance, so this will be managed in a similar way to EMS. Additionally, clipping will help to prevent excessive sweating if your horse grows a thick coat. What is the prognosis of Cushing’s Disease? There is no reason why a horse or pony with Cushing’s Disease, that is well managed, can live a long and normal life. Thank you to vet, Rachel Harrison-Osborne of Wendover Heights Veterinary Centre, for her input to this article. Helpful resources!fileManager/dvepfactsheet‐cushingsdiseaseandequinemetabolicsyndrome.pdf
Managing a Horse with Hock Arthritis – A Physiotherapist’s Perspective

Managing a Horse with Hock Arthritis – A Physiotherapist’s Perspective

If your horse has had a diagnosis of hock arthritis, there are many ways in which we can help the horse continue a working career and maintain a comfortable life. Adjustments may be needed in their husbandry and exercise programmes, but regular veterinary surgeon and complimentary therapist’s treatments will help to control any associated pain and discomfort. This article aims to give an overview on simple things you can implement into your daily routine to help with the management and associated problems with hock arthritis. As explained in the previous article The Horses Hock | Common Problems, Diagnosis and Treatment the hock is a very complex joint, which plays an important part in the performance horse. When problems arise in the hock joint the horse alters their gait to compensate, trying to avoid or minimise any pain or discomfort due to the arthritis. This results in compensatory hypertension and hypertrophy (overdevelopment) in the associated muscles, tendons and ligaments that are now having different stresses and strains applied to them. Due to a possible reduction in hock flexion, and also in an attempt to reduce concussive forces being applied directly through the hock joint, horses often compensate by circumducting (an outward swing) the affected limb during the swing phase of the stride cycle. This results in the muscles on both the medial (inside) and lateral (outside) aspects of the limb having different forces applied to them which can therefore become tight and overdeveloped. We also often see an increase in tension in the lumbar paravertebral region, gluteal region and hamstrings (see image below) – particularly the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles of the hind limb. Again, this is due to the horse trying to cushion and reduce the impact from the affected limb(s) striking the ground. The affects of which will often be seen in the ridden horse by being tense in the back, behind the saddle and having a shortened stride of the hind limb. There are many ways in which we can help support and maintain as near normal function as possible within these structures to help prevent further problems. Maintain Core Strength Horses will naturally try to limit and reduce the amount of pain or discomfort felt from an injury or joint disease by off-loading the affected limb. You may see them resting the affected limb more frequently. This off loading over time will have knock on effects on the core musculature which will affect the posture of the horse, and possibly lead to secondary issues. We can help maintain core strength and suppleness by performing baited stretches as part of our daily routine. Stand the horse square and slowly ask them to follow a treat around to the girth area either side, then the flank either side, outside the front fetlock either side, to the chest, between the front legs and then stretching up to the sky. It is always best to perform these exercises when the muscles are warm, so it is advised to do them after exercise, once tack is removed, but before the horse has cooled too much. If your horse is currently not in work then the muscles can be warmed by massaging the area prior to stretching. Click here for a more detailed guide on baited stretches. Massage Massage can be beneficial to help maintain suppleness within the muscles and prevent excessive tension, which can result in altered gait patterns. Regular application of massage, using effleurage – gentle stroking techniques, or petrissage a deeper kneading technique, paying particular attention to the lumbar paravertebral and gluteal muscle groups (muscles running along either side of the spine from behind the saddle region and over the rump) and the hamstring muscle groups (those running down the back of the hind limb and down to the hock). The Equilibrium Massage Mitt or Massage Mitt Hotspot can be particularly useful for massaging these areas. Manual massage can be tough on your hands if you are not conditioned to it, and these products can take away any worry of not knowing the exact techniques to use. The heat from the Massage Mitt Hotspot is very comforting for sore muscles and could also be applied to the hock joint itself before exercise to help warm the area and relieve initial stiffness. Massage can be performed regularly, if time permits, and if carried out after exercise as part of a routine it can help prevent tension building up. 20-30 minutes should be spent on either side of the horse 2-3 times a week (or more if time allows) to help maintain soft and supple muscles. If you find your horse is particularly uncomfortable when you are massaging a specific area it is always advisable to contact your veterinary surgeon or therapist for advice. For many of us, time on the yard is precious, especially through the winter months. The Equilibrium Massage Pad and the Massage Pad Heatsense provide an easy to use, effective massage (massage & heat from the Heatsense) for the muscles of the back and can be a useful tool to help aid the warm-up process before you ride. One of the biggest benefits of these products is that you can carry on other yard chores whilst your horse has their massage. Poles The use of pole work to increase range of motion within the hind limb can be very useful, but needs to be performed with care, your horse’s ability to perform the exercise correctly and being able to move over the poles without knocking them should be taken into consideration when deciding to use poles as part of the rehabilitation. Your Veterinary Surgeon or therapist will be able to advise you more if pole exercises are suitable for your horse. Something as simple as placing a couple of poles at intervals on your walk to and from the field will help to encourage your horse to use the limb through a greater range of motion. When using poles, it is important to take into consideration your horse’s fitness and ability – keep it simple. A single pole walked over cleanly can be much more beneficial than a grid of poles which your horse struggles to perform. Start simple and increase the number of poles over time. Try to always have someone on the floor watching your horse’s movement over the poles, we aim to have a regular stride length and equal limb flexion / extension through the pole configuration and for any horse diagnosed with hock arthritis I prefer to work with the poles in straight lines, rather than on a curve so we keep limb loading as equal as possible. Changes to Management When manging a horse suffering from hock arthritis alterations to their husbandry and exercise regimes may be required to help achieve the best results, with regular assessments from your veterinary surgeon, therapist and farrier the best outcomes can be achieved. You should avoid long periods of restricted mobility and try and keep exercise levels regular throughout the week, avoiding overworking on hard or deep surfaces and be conscious of ground conditions and the terrain you’re working your horse on – harder surfaces and hills will increase the forces applied through the affected joints. As with any Equine injury, ailment or disease if you are unsure at any point about what is appropriate for your horse we advise you refer back to your Veterinary Surgeon or Musculoskeletal Therapist for advice. Thank you to Catherine for writing this article: Catherine MarshallVeterinary PhysiotherapistAdvCert VPhys DipAVN(surgical)RVN Cert Clin Ed Acc Midx MRAMP, MIRVAP
An introduction to Sarcoids

An introduction to Sarcoids

What are sarcoids? Sarcoids are benign skin tumours that can be found in horses, donkeys and mules, they are generally not life threatening but do destruct the skin cells that are surrounding them. They appear in different forms on a horse and are most commonly found on the abdomen, inside the backs of legs, the chest and around the ears and eyes. Normally at the sight of previous traumas and where flies congregate. Even though there are 6 different types of sarcoids they all start small and grow at different rates, when they enlarge the skin may ulcerate that can attract flies and cause an open sore. Why does a horse get sarcoids? Sarcoids are caused by an infection the virus Bovine Papilloma Virus (BPV), it is a virus that originates from cattle but is spread by flies. All horses may be infected by BPV in their life, however not all of them will be susceptible to the virus and present with sarcoid growth. How do I know if my horse has sarcoids? Not all lesions that appear on the skin are sarcoids so a vet should be able to diagnosis whether it is a sarcoid or any other skin problem.  If the vet is unsure they can take a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, this is the last resort diagnosis as a biopsy is invasive. As to know if your horse has the gene that makes them susceptible to sarcoids there is a genetic test that can be carried out however these are not used very often by vets as they can be inconclusive and are expensive to run. How can I prevent sarcoids? There is no easy prevention of sarcoids as there has not yet been a vaccine developed for the disease. Making sure your horse’s immune system is at its strongest in order to help fight the virus and boost the immune system. How are sarcoids treated? There are many ways that sarcoids can be treated and as they all react differently to treatment. The main way of treatment is the use of Liverpool cream, a chemotherapy cream created at the University of Liverpool. This takes place over a number of weeks and can become expensive as the  cream can only be applied by a vet.  The cream is applied every day for a week or every other day for 2 weeks although this may change on a case by case basis.  It is method that makes the sarcoid look worse before becoming better, as it kills all the cells from the area that it is applied to and after a long period of time the sarcoid falls off along with all of the skin cells containing the virus. This then leaves a raw patch of skin exposed (see picture on right), which is why the best time for Liverpool treatment is in the winter where no flies can infect the exposed patch of skin.  There  are many success stories of it fully getting rid of sarcoids although others say that it returned, again reiterating that every sarcoid is different and may have a different reaction to treatment. Another way is rubber banding this is specific to certain types of sarcoids as it is not possible to get a band around every one as some lie flat. But if a band can be placed around it, then the circulation to the sarcoid will slowly be cut off until it dies and falls off.  Along the same lines as this,  there is also laser surgery and Cryosurgery.  They all aim to remove the sarcoid cleanly leaving no trace. Laser is the least invasive using lasers to remove it, Cryosurgery uses a repeated rapid freezing method which is time consuming. Alternatively there are homeopathy treatments that have worked in some cases but also have limited success as they tend to need harder treatments to remove the sarcoids. However there has been proven success with Bloodroot treatment which is a plant extract, used in a similar way to Liverpool cream, the picture on the left shows a pony who had bloodroot treatment and the results after 3 weeks (2 weeks of treatment with 1 week off in between), for this pony however, the treatment did not completely get rid of it. Do I need to treat my horse’s sarcoids? Not necessarily if the lesion is not getting bigger or is in a place that will not affect the horse then it is up to you if you leave it. However when the sarcoid is smaller it is easier and quicker to treat so early treatment is recommended. Discuss with your vet which is the best method of removing for your horse and its type of sarcoid.
Colic in horses - causes and prevention

Colic in horses - causes and prevention

What causes colic? Colic can be caused by gut “spasms” (e.g. due to a change in diet), impaction of partially-digested food material or sand, stretching of the gut wall by gas, twisting of the gut so that its blood supply is cut off, displacement of a segment of gut from its normal position, stomach ulcers and fatty tumours wrapping around the gut and strangulating it. Horses are prone to colic because of their unusual GI tract anatomy (particularly the length) and the way their gut works.  It is important to note that many other conditions, e.g. urinary problems, azoturia etc, can present as colic. What are the clinical signs of colic? Mild colic Moderate colic Severe colic ·         Lip curling   ·         Flank watching ·         Restlessness ·         Pawing the ground ·         Dullness ·         Frequently posturing to urinate   ·         Lying down and getting up ·         Lying on their side for long periods ·         Violent rolling   ·         Sweating ·         Rapid breathing How can I prevent colic? Some causes of colic are preventable if good stable management and a regular daily routine are followed: Use an effective worming programme to control parasite levels. Ensure your horse has a constant supply of fresh and drinkable water. Feed small quantities and use good quality, high fibre, feed stuff and include plenty of forage in your horse’s diet. Be consistent with your feeding routine and make gradual changes to your horse’s diet. Ensure your horse has a consistent turn-out and exercise regime. Turn out on good quality pasture, avoiding poor or overgrazed fields or, conversely, lush spring grass. Have an effective dental programme in place because tooth problems can cause digestive issues if food isn’t chewed properly. In sandy areas, avoid feeding horses from the ground as they may ingest large amount of sand. Reduce stress levels by ensuring your horse has a consistent routine and environment and be mindful of stress when travelling your horse. If your horse has a habit of eating his bedding, ensure he is bedded down on something other than straw; this is particularly important if your horse has to suddenly undergo a prolonged period of box rest. Habits such as crib-biting and windsucking will increase the risk of colic and some horses are more prone to recurrent episodes of colic Thank you to vets, Rick Farr and Nikki Pursey, of Farr & Pursey Equine Veterinary Services, for their input to this article. Helpful resources The Royal School of Veterinary Studies – colic information sheet The University of Liverpool Equine Hospital
Common Equine Eye Complaints

Common Equine Eye Complaints

The equine eye The eyes of the horse are located laterally (either side) of the skull which maximizes the horse’s field of vision. The equine eye is a very delicate structure and in comparison to other species, does not tolerate injury or disease at all well. For this reason it is highly recommended that veterinary advice is always sought as soon as possible in any problem relating to the equine eye. First of all a complete history of your horse will be taken, his age, breed and any previous illnesses noted. Current management of the horse is then determined followed by the details of the current problem. The eye is a complex organ and there are numerous structures inside the eye which the vet will examine. First of all, the gross appearance of the eyes are assessed, checking for symmetry, swellings, overflow of tears, etc. His vision is then assessed by the menace reflex (does the horse blink if an object moves towards his eye?) and the pupillary reflex (a light is shone in the eye and the pupil should constrict). Assessment of the Equine Eye In a darkened stable, an opthalmoscope enables the vet to visualise the interior of the eye. An assessment of the following structures is performed: Cornea Anterior chamber Lens Iris Vitreous body Retina Optic disc A normal, healthy eye will be open, clear and bright with no discharge. The conjuntivae will be pink and there will be no swelling present. A painful eye will present with some or all of the following signs: Blepharospasm (eye clamped shut) Lacrimation (tear overflow) Chemosis (swollen conjunctivae) Discharge (yellow, white or green) Photosensitivity (sensitivity to light) Corneal oedema (cloudy eye) Miosis (Constriction of the pupil) If your horse presents any of the above clinical signs you should phone your vet immediately. Some Common Conditions Corneal Ulcers This is a very common condition seen in all type of horses or ponies and is extremely painful. Your horse’s eye maybe swollen, clamped shut, watering profusely and may have a cloudy appearance. Due to the pain he is experiencing, your horse will not allow you to open his eye manually and may even become naughty if you persist in trying. A corneal ulcer is where the surface of the eye is damaged, usually caused by some kind of trauma or foreign body. Your vet will stain the eye to check for damage. An intact, undamaged cornea will not take up the stain whereas most corneal ulcers will stain green quite clearly. Treatment consists of frequent application of serum, antibiotics and pain relief direct to the eye. Oral pain relief medication may also be administered if required. Turn out is permitted only with a fly mask to prevent damage to the back of the eye from the sun and secondary infection from flies or dirt. Some corneal ulcers can be very persistent so prompt veterinary attention is essential. Equine Recurrent Uveitis Also known as “moon blindness”, this condition is an important condition in that it can recur throughout the horse’s life causing significant painful episodes which, in extreme circumstances, can lead to the removal of the eye. This condition is often mistaken for a traumatic injury due to the amount of pain the horse is in and the swelling around the eye. ERU’s primary cause can be a virus, systemic disease or trauma. It is thought to be an immune-mediated disease where the structures inside the eye are inflamed. Often debris can be seen in the front of the eye, the cornea may be cloudy and the pupil constricted. Examination with the opthalmoscope is often resented due to increased sensitivity to light and the eye does not take up the stain. Treatment consists of pain relief, topical steroids, antibiotics, serum and atropine (to dilate the pupil). This condition can be frustrating due to random repeat episodes causing significant pain and requiring aggressive treatment. It is thought that sunlight and wind can aggravate an episode so turn out is permitted only with adequate eye protection such as a fly mask with an eye patch sewn in. Conjunctivitis Also a common but not so painful a condition, conjunctivitis is a bacterial infection of the eye. As an owner you will find your horse has an ocular discharge which is usually yellow or green in colour. The conjunctivae will be inflamed and there may be some swelling but in general the horse is not too worried. Your vet will stain the eye to check for corneal damage and usually just dispense antibiotic eye drops. It is recommended that sterile water / saline soaked cotton wool swabs are used to clean the discharge away twice daily. In the summer months, ocular discharge will attract flies which exacerbate the condition, therefore it is recommended the horse is turned out at night, or otherwise in a fly mask. Blocked Tear Ducts This condition tends to worry the owner more than the horse. It presents as a persistent, watery, ocular discharge which despite regular cleaning does not settle down. It usually occurs in the warmer months and is very obvious when the horse is brought in from the field. There is no pain or swelling with this condition unless a secondary bacterial infection has occurred. There can be hair loss in the area where the watery discharge lies or just matting of the hair in this area. Normally tears produced by the eye, flow down the nasolacrimal duct and drains into the nose. However the tear ducts are very fragile structures which are lined with a soft membrane. If damaged this lining can stick to itself and block the duct resulting in an overflow of tears from the eye. Although not a serious condition, the ocular discharge does attract flies which in turn can cause a bacterial infection. Two treatment options exist, the first is management rather than treatment. The eyes can be wiped cleaned twice daily with sterile, soaked swabs and a fly mask used whenever the horse is turned out. Antibiotic eye drops maybe dispensed. The second option requires the horse to be sedated so that the tear ducts can be flushed with sterile saline. This is not a painful procedure but the horse does feel some discomfort. Steroid / antibiotic eye drops are then dispensed to reduce any inflammation within the ducts. Many horse owners feel happy managing this condition and tend to keep the flushing procedure as a back up plan. Flushing the tear ducts is obviously more costly and can be disappointing in that there may be a recurrence in the ducts becoming blocked. Fly Mask Selection For many eye complaints, treatment includes protection of the eye from sunlight and insects. For ERU ('moon-blindness') a mask with an eye patch for 100% protection is normally recommended. For most other conditions, a good quality fly mask is recommended by many vets to their clients. It should be looked at that the fly mask stays well away from the eye, is comfortable for the horse and offers UV protection too. Summary There are several common eye conditions, which can be very painful for the horse. Horses' eyes are unusually delicate, and this, combined with the horse's reliance on the sense of sight, means that all symptoms of a potential eye problem should be treated seriously. It is strongly recommended that veterinary advice is always sought as soon as possible, to assess the condition and start treatment. By Claire McKinstry MRCvs  
Coping with a cold back

Coping with a cold back

Christine East, a McTimoney Animal Practitioner, shares her expertise on how to care for your cold-backed horse. An increasing number of horses are being diagnosed as ‘cold-backed’, and the problem is much more common than many horse owners think. So what does it actually mean, and how can it be treated? What does ‘cold-backed’ mean? The term ‘cold-backed’ is used to describe a horse displaying symptoms of a sensitive or painful back. These symptoms can range from very mild, such as discomfort when the girth is tightened, to more serious, lasting until the horse has warmed up and the muscles are relaxed. McTimoney Animal Practitioner, Christine East has treated many cold-backed horses. “There are lots of different interpretations of the term ‘cold-backed’, and it can be used to cover a range of different symptoms,” she says. “However, it is important to remember that every horse is an individual, so they may display different signs to other horses with the same problem.” What to look out for Christine stresses that it is common for horse owners to worry about confusing a cold back with their horse’s behaviour towards activities, such as tacking up and grooming. However, there are definite signs to look out for, which include: Soreness or sensitivity to grooming over the backReacting to the saddle, such as dipping or bridging the back when it is put onDiscomfort when the girth is tightenedRefusal or reluctance to let you mount from the groundStiffness through the back during the first few minutes of work What is the cause of a cold back? Christine suggests that one of the underlying problems is evolutionary. “Horses didn’t evolve to carry people on their backs and compensate for the extra weight. This means they can develop sensitive nerve endings or a misalignment in the spine as a result. Some of the most common causes of a cold back include: pressure from a poorly fitting saddle; aggravation of previous injuries to back muscle; or problems with your horse’s teeth or feet, which cause them to readjust their posture. Another cause, which I think is often overlooked, is the posture and position of the rider,” says Christine. “I often have calls from owners whose horses all seem to have developed the same back problem and it is caused by the horse having to compensate for the rider’s bad posture. When having your horse treated, it is sometimes worth seeing a back specialist yourself!" Treating a cold back As there are such a range of symptoms for a cold back, it is important to consult your vet as a first port of call, who can rule out any injury or more serious problems. They can then refer your horse to a physiotherapist, chiropractor, or McTimoney practitioner, as necessary. “Symptoms associated with a cold back are not usually too difficult to treat,” says Christine. “Most treatments work to relieve spasms or misalignments in the spine, which cause a pull in the surrounding muscle tissue and result in soreness.” When treating a cold back, it is also advisable to have your horse’s feet and teeth checked, to ensure that there aren’t any problems here that are causing knock-on effects. Prevention is key There are certain preventative measures that can be taken to help stop your horse developing back problems in the future. Have your saddle checked annually, because a horse’s shape can change throughout the year and may not be the same as when the saddle was fitted. Always warm up properly before exercise and remember to cool down when you have finished – this allows your horse’s muscles to adjust to your weight and avoid any damage. If your horse is particularly sensitive, tack up and walk him around for five minutes before mounting – this will give the muscles a head start and ensure he is comfortable when you are mounting. In addition, always use a mounting block rather than mounting from the ground, as this can place extra stress on the back. Often, when a horse won’t stand still for mounting, it is an indication that he finds it uncomfortable, so take care as you get on. When schooling, ensure you do sufficient work on both reins – this will benefit the whole body, not just the back, and will help your horse to remain flexible through both sides of his body. A cold back is treatable “The good thing to remember is that the problems associated with a cold back are almost always treatable,” says Christine. As with everything though, prevention is better than cure, so taking good care of your horse’s back is important, and will help him stay fit and healthy and able to perform at his best.
Do horses need extra electrolytes?

Do horses need extra electrolytes?

What are electrolytes? Present in small amounts, electrolytes are positively charged ions that are dissolved in the blood and the fluid that exists between cells and sweat. The principal electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. How do horses get their electrolytes? Most horses receive most of their daily electrolytes from forage.  Calcium and phosphorus are also commonly added to compound feeds and mixes.  However salt can be low in forages and are not added in high levels into compounds.  Hence extra salt is routinely offered as licks or in the feed. Horses on low forage diets, such as those receiving a lot of hard feed, or those on restricted diets due to being good-doers, will have a lower electrolyte supply than horses with good fibre levels in their diet. Many working horses receive added electrolytes as a supplemented to their diet. Why are electrolytes important? Electrolytes are responsible for the correct function of nerves and muscles.  They also help maintain normal hydration and are integral in maintaining the functioning of the digestive system, and the other vital organs. Sub-optimal electrolyte status can lead to muscle problems and poor performance.  Since electrolytes cannot be stored in the body, the amount available to the horse is dependent on electrolyte intake compared to natural losses through sweat, urine and faeces. Electrolytes and sweating Sweating removes heat generated by muscles during exercise.  A fit horse efficiently removes heat from where it is not wanted in the muscles, out to the skin where it is lost through sweat- where the process of evaporation from the skin cools the horse. Equine sweat is hypertonic – that it is contains more salts than internal body fluids – which means that a sweating horse loses electrolytes as well as water.  Typically a working horse can lose 7-8 litres in an exercise bout. The amount of sweat produced by an individual depends on temperature, workload, temperament and stage of fitness. One litre of horse sweat contains around 3.5g of sodium, 6g of chloride, 1.2g of potassium and 0.1g of calcium I litre of sweat is estimated to dissipate heat from 1 –2 minutes of extreme work or about 5 minutes of sub-maximal work, summer or winter  When do horses need extra electrolytes? Whenever a horse works hard, summer or winter. Electrolyte use in the days before a competition will stimulate water intake such that the horse enters the competition fully hydrated. (long term mega-dosing is wasteful as any excesses cannot be stored) Before during or after travelling: offering water or an isotonic solution every couple of hours on long journeys should help avoid unnecessary fluid* and/or electrolyte deficits before the competition has begun. Before and during moderate to intense work: Research has shown that correct administration of good quality electrolytes can increase the time it take for a horse to fatigue by nearly 23%. (On the day of competition or exercise bout, the final offer of electrolytes should be made together with water, at least 4 hours before exercise.) Horses on low or restricted forage diets (i.e. less than 30% of total diet as forage) will receive a diet inherently low in electrolytes.. Equally a new forage source could be markedly different to the previous source, and cause problems.
Electrolytes and Gastric Ulcers

Electrolytes and Gastric Ulcers

Salt, electrolytes and gastric ulcers The use of electrolytes in relation to gastric ulcers has been mooted since a study in endurance horses showed those receiving a concentrated electrolyte paste once per hour for eight hours showed higher rate of gastric lesions than those receiving a placebo.  Extreme use such as this is not routinely recommended.   It is necessary to replenish lost salt and electrolytes after sweating, because sweat contains both water and electrolytes; sweating cools the horse by the process of the evaporation of water from the skin, but in losing water the horse also loses electrolytes, which must then be replenished through the diet. Ensuring a sound base of forage in the diet is essential – forages themselves are a source of electrolytes, and they also create a reservoir of water bound with the fibre in the hindgut that acts as a fluid reservoir when sweating. Supplementary electrolyte requirements are highly individual, dependent on the duration and intensity of the workload, the core ration as well as the environmental conditions.  Electrolyte tips: Maximise forage intakes where possible.  If travelling or on restricted forage diets consider offering forage in a  way that slows consumption such as double walled hay nets or the use of a forage block. Consider providing salt blocks at home; Always follow the supplement manufacturer’s recommendations for use Always offer fresh water when administering electrolytes Never administer electrolytes on their own into an empty stomach – try mixing them with some type of fibre – e.g. a small amount of alfalfa
Essential Hoof Care

Essential Hoof Care

The structures in a horse’s feet are responsible for supporting the full weight of the horse over a small area. Routine foot care is therefore extremely important, as any problems in the feet can be extremely detrimental to mobility and health. Structure of the foot Coronary band This is located at the top of the hoof and is responsible for creating horn that makes up the hoof wall. Periople This is the outer layer of the hoof that forms a protective covering on the hoof wall. It is responsible for regulating moisture content in the horn, secreted from the perioplic ring above the coronet. Hoof wall The hoof wall is the exterior of the hoof, made from a keratin-based substance.It provides a hard protective layer around the internal parts in the foot. It takes 9-12 months for the hoof to grow from the coronary band to the toe. In order for the horn to grow correctly and form a healthy foot, the horse must be provided with a good diet and be in good health. These factors must be checked if the horn starts to become brittle and weak or if the foot looks badly formed. A feed supplement of biotin may be helpful to promote good horn growth. Sole This is a tough structure that provides external protection to the sensitive sole underneath. It is slightly concave and is not weight bearing. Frog The frog has an extruding triangular structure which extends from the heel to halfway down the foot. Its function is to absorb concussion, provide grip and be a weight-bearing surface for the foot. It also ensures that a healthy blood supply reaches the foot. The grooves along each side of the frog allow for expansion when it makes contact with the ground. Inside the foot Sensitive sole This is found underneath the pedal bone, within the insensitive sole. It produces the new cells that replace lost layers of the insensitive sole. Digital cushion The digital cushion is found between the pedal bone and deep flexor tendon. It is an elastic, fibrous pad that absorbs concussion from ground impact. It also helps to push blood back up the leg. Lateral cartilages These are attached to the pedal bone and serve to protect the coffin joint. They also help absorb concussion. Laminae The insensitive laminae are supportive structures that attach to the hoof wall and interlock with the sensitive laminae. The sensitive laminae then attach and support the pedal bone. The divide between sensitive and insensitive laminae can been seen as a white line on the sole of the foot. Conformation This is extremely important, as the feet are obviously essential to the horse! They should be even and round in shape and in proportion with the rest of the horse. The fronts should be of equal size and shape and so should the hinds. The front feet should slope forwards and be at a 45 degree angle to the ground, and on through the fetlock and pastern. The hind feet should be at an angle of 50-55 degrees to the ground. The hoof wall should be smooth and free from cracks. Any lines could indicate poor nutrition or past cases of laminitis. Poor conformation in the feet can result in strains to tendons and ligaments, tripping and bruising. Many foot conformational faults can be improved by a good farrier and over a period of time. Routine care Apply hoof oil every other day during the summer to help prevent splits and cracks Pick out feet every day with a hoof pick Check shoes for wear and tear and signs that a farrier is needed – such as risen clenches, pinching across the bulbs of the heel, overgrown and misshapen feet Check unshod horses for splits, cracks, flares and overgrown misshapen hooves Ensure that the farrier attends shod feet every four to six weeks, and unshod feet every six to ten weeks Farrier Great care must be taken when selecting a farrier, so ask your vet for recommendations. Correct trimming and shoeing is vital to the horse’s welfare, and any mistakes can lead to serious, lasting damage. The horse’s feet should be correctly balanced whether shod or unshod. Balance is important as inaccuracy can lead to lameness and aggravate navicular syndrome and laminitis. It can affect the whole movement and development of the horse and cause ongoing problems. Shoes are not always needed. It depends on the amount and type of work the horse is doing. Sometimes only front shoes may be needed. The farrier will be able to advise on the best option for the individual horse. Checklist Always check the horse’s feet after the farrier has visited The horse should be sound. If he is even slightly lame or lame a few days later, the farrier must be recalled immediately to address the problem. Check the balance of the feet. The angle should be around 45-50 degrees from the ground at the front and 50-55 degrees from the ground at the back. The angle through the pastern, fetlock and hoof should be 45 degrees. When viewed from the heel, with the foot raised, the sides of the foot should be level. With the foot on the ground both sides of the hoof should be of equal length. If shod, the shoe