
We're making treating your horse or pony a healthy enjoyable experience.

Made in the UK, we use only the finest ingredients and we rigorously implement high quality controls and regular testing in independent food safety testing laboratories to ensure you can feed our horse nutrition products with confidence.

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PortionPacer™ Haynets
PortionPacer™ Haynets


From £15.99

Crunchits Christmas Charity Advent Calendar
Crunchits Christmas Charity Advent Calendar





From £5.49

Crunchits Fruit Fusion
Crunchits Fruit Fusion



Vitamunch Heavenly Hedgerow
Vitamunch Heavenly Hedgerow


From £4.50

Vitamunch Marvellous Meadow
Vitamunch Marvellous Meadow


From £4.50



From £4.50

Simply Irresistible Virtuous Vegetable
Simply Irresistible Virtuous Vegetable


From £11.99

Simply Irresistible Fabulous Fruits
Simply Irresistible Fabulous Fruits


From £12.99



From £4.50

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Is Sugar the Enemy?

High sugar diets have been increasingly implicated in conditions such as laminitis. Horses are well adapted to digesting sugar and starch in their diets, a capability that has evolved over millennia adapted to the life of a browsing herbivore – essentially trickle feeding of a high fibre based diet.

Feeding at Variable Heights in the Stable

While horses are grazers, if you watch them in the field, they don't just have their heads down and eat grass. If they have a hedgerow you will quite often find them borrowing away to find little 'treats', or they might even eat some other vegetation at varying heights. Horses in the wild graze for 80% of their time, and browse for 20%.

Soaking your Munch Block

While we recommend soaking your munch blocks for dentally challenged or older horses, you may also want to soak them to encourage water intake when the weather is extremely warm, but also when it is extremely cold as a 'winter warmer'. Some horses can also just prefer to eat the blocks like this, so it is completely down to personal preference.


Laminitis is a complex systemic condition that manifests itself in the foot with acute lameness. Dietary management rightly centres on weight control, maximising fibre and limiting starch and sugar intakes but can mean a very restricted and basic diet for animals prone to the condition. A small sprinkle or handful of Simply Irresistible will only add a few grams of sugar and trace amounts of starch, whilst brightening up a small and boring feed. Offering 50g of Simply Irresistible Five Fabulous Fruits and Virtuous Vegetable Variety provides about 14g and 11g of starch and sugar respectively. By comparison, 500g of a low starch and sugar pellet or chaff would supply about 100g of starch and sugar. Additionally, the probiotic in Simply Irresistible helps support healthy large intestine function, which is key in the management of such animals.

Simply Irresistible is designed as a healthy treat for horses, but you may be tempted to feed it to other animals in your care. Indeed, the fruits and vegetables used are tasty and can be offered to many different animals. However, the probiotic we use is only authorised for use in horses, pigs, and ruminants.

After use, reseal the bag tightly, and the bag will last for up to 90 days. If the product is exposed to direct sunlight there may be some discolouring of ingredients.

Yes you can feed it just before riding. The rate of intake of Munch is relatively slow and so the volumes entering the digestive tract will be relatively low too.

a. The first issue with feeding a large meal before exercise is that it diverts blood flow from the extremities (i.e. muscles) to digestive tract. The little and often mode of eating of Munch means that this is not an issue.

b. A second issue is that large meals bind a lot of water which adds to the weight a horse is carrying, again the relatively low intake means that this is not an issue either.


  • Munch can be used as part of the dietary management of horses and ponies at risk of, or prone to, laminitis.
  • Munch is low energy so can be used in low energy or restricted diets.
  • Munch is low sugar - low soluble carbohydrate diets are recommended for laminitis risk animals.
  • Munch is fortified – additional vitamins and minerals will top up reduced supply from a restricted diet.

Munch will keep for up to a week after opening but should be stored in a cool dry place. Uncovered Munch will absorb moisture from the atmosphere and will soften and expand. If you have soaked munch it does need to be fed straight away.

Yes, an individual Munch fibre block will soften and fluff up so that horses with poor dentition can easily bite into it. You can use warm water for to soak it for a treat in winter. Ensure soaked munch is fed immediately to prevent mould developing.

Munch is based on fibre, the natural foundation of a horse’s daily diet.

Adding one or two to the daily diet will not cause digestive upset, in fact being based on fibre, adding Munch to the diet only adds more of what a horse is naturally designed to digest.