Making a Difference to the Lives of Horses, Donkeys and Mules with New Partnership.

We've teamed up with Brooke to improve the lives of equids worldwide.

Brooke is an international charity that protects and improves the lives of horses, donkeys and mules which give people in the developing world the opportunity to work their way out of poverty. Their vision is a world where working horses, donkeys and mules are free from suffering and have a life worth living.

“We’re absolutely delighted that Equilibrium Products have chosen to work with Brooke and think it’s a great fit as two organisations that care so deeply about equids. It’s great to see equestrian companies doing what they can to support less fortunate horses, donkeys and mules, especially during such difficult times.  Equilibrium’s support will make a huge difference and will help us to continue our vital work to relieve the suffering of working horses, donkeys and mules around the world and create lasting change for future generations.”

- Chris Wainwright, CEO Brooke.

With a mission statement to create innovative products to make a difference to the wellbeing of the horse, we are proud to be able to support Brooke in their campaigns across the world. You could support Brooke too by donating with your order placed on our website or find us at Your Horse Live 2022 for a selection of Brooke merchandise. 

Margaret Donnelly, Managing Director and Founder of Equilibrium Products, says:

“We are pleased to be supporting Brooke, a charity that does so much good for working horses, donkeys and mules across the world.  As a charity that has a core focus of education to allow local communities to become self-sufficient and improve the lives of these animals, we felt that Brooke was a perfect fit for Equilibrium Products to support them as one of our chosen charities.”

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