Taking a Stand - How the Massage Pad helped Monty

Jemma got in touch with us on Instagram with some photos of her horse Monty before he used the Massage Pad, compared to after. We were astonished by the immediate clear difference in how he looked so much more comfortable, we asked her to tell us a little bit more about him and their journey!

Introducing Jemma & Monty

Hey, my names Jemma. I’m 30 and I’m from (the sometimes) sunny Cornwall, I work as a HCA in the NHS and I’ve owned & ridden horses from a young age on and off, but have found my love for it again the last couple years after an awful riding accident left both me & my horse Monty with shattered confidence & no trust in each other at all, & so started the long & bumpy journey to getting back into the saddle & restoring our confidence again.

Monty is a 17hh, 13yr old ID x TB & I’ve had the pleasure of owning him for 8 years now, despite it being pretty bumpy at times, he’s a horse with so much love to give, he has an incredibly huge character & many quirks too, he’s actually quite well known as the “Horse who sits like a dog” and actually made it into national newspapers being compared to Eeyore the donkey for the way he “sits” & takes in everything around him ?

Since using the Massage Pad on Monty I have seen such huge improvements in his overall wellbeing and I just wanted to share with you those improvements, it’s the best thing I’ve honestly ever invested in and it’s now a strong part in our daily routine.

Monty is so sensitive, cold backed and has also had the tendency to stand underneath himself which has caused many problems and issues with his back, however since using the Massage Pad and incorporating stretches into his routine, the difference has been incredible.

His back is so much more comfortable in all aspects, he’s nowhere near as sensitive, he isn’t uncomfortable when tacking up, he doesn’t arch his back or appear uncomfortable when it comes to me getting on him to ride, he warms up so much better and his overall general wellbeing has significantly improved. I honestly can’t thank you guys enough, I just wanted to share a before and after photo around a year apart since we’ve started using the Massage Pad and I think you’ll agree that the change and difference is incredible.

Onwards and Upwards

Because of the many issues we faced with our accident & riding confidence in each other, Monty is still very much a blank canvas, but in the last year or so since we’ve really got back into our riding, he’s showing that he has lovely movement & 3 nice paces, once he puts his mind to it.

So, for now we are continuing to work on our flatwork & schooling & building him up over the winter period with hopes next year of dabbling in a little bit of dressage or showing, he’s a big & powerful horse who can really strut his stuff when he wants to, so who know... watch this space?

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