Tri-Zone Boot Breathability Testing

Breathability Testing

The Tri-Zone Brushing Boots have undergone independent testing with Dr David Marlin to establish exactly how breathable they are, and how this compares to other similar boots on the market.

The testing method was designed to measure the amount of moisture escaped from the boot. This was performed in a controlled laboratory environment to eliminate as many variables as possible that can be experienced when testing on a live horse.

The Testing Method

A model of a horse’s leg had several holes drilled into it around the tendon area and cannon bone where a boot would usually sit. An inlet for steam was attached to the base of the leg and this was all housed within an acrylic box fitted with temperature and humidity sensors. There were also 2 fans fitted within the box (one at the top and one at the bottom) to ensure air movement.

The leg was fitted with the breathable brushing boots, and duct tape applied at the top and bottom to create a good seal. Steam was pumped into the model leg and the rate at which the moisture passed through from the inside of the model leg, through the holes and the boot into the acrylic box was recorded.

Figure 1.

A = temperature and humidity sensor; B = fan; C = steam inlet; D = plastic leg; E = drain; F = steam generator.

This method was then repeated for various types of similar brushing boots so a comparison could be made. The test was also carried out with no boot on the model leg so a ‘best case scenario’ could be compared back to.


If the test with no boot on the leg allowed 100% moisture release from the leg, all other readings can be compared back to this.

The New Breathable Brushing Boot allowed 87% moisture to escape through the boot. The average amount of moisture released from the other 11 boots that were tested was 48%.

In conclusion the new Breathable Brushing boot allows 80% more moisture release than other similar boots that were tested.

87/48 = 1.8 = 80%

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