Where, When and Why Heat Should be Used!

The use of heat is usually accepted well by horses and ponies, and we know how beneficial it can be from using it on ourselves too.

There are many factors to consider when using heat for our horses, such as:

  • Methods of delivery.
  • How long to use it for.
  • How to maintain a consistent temperature.

But for now, we take a  look into why we would want to use it for our horses, as well as when and where to use it too.

The Benefits of Heat

Increased metabolic activity and nerve activity.

This leads to:

An increased demand for oxygen.
Widening of the blood vessels (vasodilatation) which increases blood flow and therefore delivery of oxygen and nutrients.
Improved metabolism of waste products, leading to better recovery.
More oxygen and nutrients are available for the cells.

Increased Mobility

Achieved by:

relaxing muscle fibres
increased pliability of connective tissue aiding flexibility
maintaining freer joint movement with low resistance

Research suggests for an effect, tissue temperature needs to increase by at least 3 to 5°C from the resting temperature (Bockstahler et al, 2004). However using something that is too hot could cause discomfort and even damage to the tissue.

When should I use heat?

Heat is most suited to use for chronic conditions. Such as:

  • muscle spasm which is very common in the horses’ back – especially in the lumbar region behind where the back of the saddle sits
  • relaxation of general muscle stiffness – perhaps from an increase in workload or general wear and tear
  • osteoarthritis and other joint stiffness – particularly common in the hock and fetlock joints
  • chronic tendonitis – in other words, an old tendon injury that presents as a swollen tendon. This is common in the fore limb SDFT (superficial digital flexor tendon) and DDFT (deep digital flexor tendon) in race and ex-race horses, and in jumping horses. In dressage horses this is seen more in the hind limbs.
  • bursitis – this in an inflamed pocket of fluid with the joint. Usually seen in the knee or in the hock.

Where can I apply heat?

Heat can be applied almost anywhere, so long as you can keep it in place for the required time. Use heat before exercising your horse to help warm the muscles and tendons. Heat should always be used at rest and care should be taken to not overheat vulnerable tendons in the lower limb.

If your horse is not in work then heat can be applied at any time of day when they are resting, either on the yard or in their stable. As a general rule, heat should be applied for around 20 minutes at a time up to 4 times a day.

When should Heat NOT be used?

Heat can have an adverse effect if used:

  • in the acute stages of inflammation (the first 72 hours after injury or surgery)
  • on an open or bleeding wound

In both of the above scenarios cold should be applied to aid vasoconstriction (the narrowing of blood vessels).

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