Instructions for the Massage Mitt & Massage Mitt Hotspot

While most horses accept the Massage Mitt immediately, introducing it for the first time should be done carefully to ensure a positive experience.

Preparing to use the Massage Mitt

When you receive your Massage Mitt, the battery will already hold some charge. You may want to top this up before it's first use. A full charge can take up to 12 hours.

When you are ready, you can connect the battery into your Massage Mitt by opening the base of the Mitt and plugging the battery into the cable.

Introducing the Mitt to your horse

We suggest allowing your horse to investigate the Mitt while it is turned off. This is especially important for nervous horses or those suspicious of new things.
If your horse is happy, you can start by stroking the Massage Mitt over the body in a similar motion to grooming. We recommend starting at the shoulder. Following this, you can then turn the Mitt on by selecting the on/off button (normal mitt) which will put it onto the low setting, or for the Hotspot, select a relevant option on a low setting (see ‘Choosing your setting’ below). Continue to sweep the Mitt over their body and make sure they are comfortable before increasing the intensity.

Choosing your setting (Massage Mitt without heat)

There are 3 intensities of massage to choose from:

Low - for introductory sessions, to aid cooling down after exercise or for a particularly sensitive horse.
Medium - the go to everyday setting to use before exercise and general maintenance.
High - if your horse prefers a more intense massage, if they have a thick coat or are slightly overweight.

To select the setting, push the on/off button and it will automatically go onto the low setting. You can then select a higher setting if you wish. Sessions will last for 10 minutes before automatically turning off.

For an all over massage, use the Mitt in a slow sweeping motion in the direction of the hair. Spend 2 minutes on each muscle group (neck, shoulder, back, hindquarters, hamstrings) before repeating on the other side of your horse.

Your horse’s therapist may have identified areas that your horse would benefit from targeted massage. You can use the Mitt in a stroking motion over the area for 1-2 minutes, before holding it on the tight area for at least 5 minutes (on medium or high if required). Use the stroking motion for another 1-2 minutes afterwards to help remove any toxins.

Choosing your setting (Massage Mitt Hotspot)

There are 2 types of massage you can choose from, in addition to heat:
Continuous Massage - ideal when sweeping the Hotspot over different muscle groups or over large areas.
Cyclical Massage - for when the Hotspot is being held still to target a specific area or trigger point.
Heat - ideal for a gentle session to aid healthy circulation. Perfect for sensitive horses or those returning to work or help warm up muscles prior to stretching.

For the ultimate session you can combine heat and massage together.

Select your desired massage setting by pressing the relevant button on the control panel once for low, twice for medium intensity and three times for high. Pressing it a fourth time will turn the setting off. You can turn heat on and off by simply pushing the button once. Sessions will last for 10 minutes before automatically turning off.


Replacement batteries and chargers for the Equilibrium Massage Pad, Mitt Hotspot and Massage Mitt can be ordered & purchased directly from our website. Please note these will not fit the older Navy Mitt, if you have one of these please contact us for help.

Yes, you can use the massage setting on the Massage Pad/Heatsense and/or Massage Mitt/Hotspot up to 3 times a day. Especially at a competition you may wish to use it before you ride as a warm up and in-between phases or rounds. However, we recommend not using the heat setting on the Heatsense for more than one cycle, or the Hotspot for more than two consecutive cycles.

Do not use on the following (for humans and horses):

  • Open wounds, new injuries, or new swelling (for the first 48 hours).
  • Where there is suspected infection or malignant tumours.
  • Burn injuries or deep vein thrombosis.
  • Over the abdomen if pregnant.
  • Circulatory problems, causing hypo or hyper sensitivity to heat.
  • Active bleeding, bruising or haematoma.
  • Bony areas such as the wither, point of shoulder or hip.

Yes you can however if the horse is wet from being warm/sweating we would not recommend adding the heat.

Replacement batteries and chargers for the Equilibrium Massage Pad, Mitt Hotspot and Massage Mitt can be ordered & purchased directly from our website. Please note these will not fit the older Navy Mitt, if you have one of these please contact us for help.

Store the Massage Pad, Mitt Hotspot or Mitt somewhere dry and safe inside the bag it comes with. Avoid extreme temperatures to prevent damage to the battery and disconnect the battery. Please ensure the product is clean and dry before storage.

The Massage Pad, Mitt Hotspot and Massage Mitt were developed to provide a superficial (surface) massage to maintain the horses’ well being. This was proven in our tests by showing an increase in back flexibility and overall relaxation. The Massage Pad was not developed to replace the manual techniques of a qualified physiotherapist or massage therapist. Only a trained professional should carry out a massage to your horse that is able to reach the deeper muscles.

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