Essentially the manipulation of soft tissues in the body, massage methods have historically been manual but with recent advances in technology, electrical modalities have been introduced. Massage could help with performance, which depends on freedom of movement, full flexibility and an absence of musculoskeletal pain, all of which can improve with massage (Gellman, 1998).
The Benefits of Massage
Massage has been shown to improve flexibility and promote relaxation. Tension is often of the most common reasons for poor performance in horses and by increasing relaxation and improving back flexibility; the negative effects of tension can be reduced. Like us, most horses can benefit from a massage session but maintaining a healthy back through massage can help prevent performance inhibitors such as lack of bend, hollowness, shortened stride length, or in more serious cases napping, bucking and rearing.
When to use Massage?
- For horses on box rest to maintain circulation.
- After exercise to help tired muscles.
- Before exercise as part of a warm up.
- At show or after travelling.
- On your horses day off as part of a maintenance programme.
- Anytime as a reward.