Massage Pads

Massage Pads

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5 products

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Massage Pad
Massage Pad


From £329.00

Massage Pad Heatsense
Massage Pad Heatsense


From £499.00

Massage Pad Repair Service
Massage Pad Repair Service



Reconditioned Clearance Massage Pads
Reconditioned Clearance Massage Pads


£329.00 From £229.00
Reconditioned Clearance Massage Pad Heatsense
Reconditioned Clearance Massage Pad Heatsense


£559.00 £450.00

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Introduction to Massage for Your Horse

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Massage Range Testing

We are dedicated to creating carefully designed products that improve the wellbeing of the horse. All of our products are thoroughly researched, tested and quality checked.


Yes, you can use the massage setting on the Massage Pad/Heatsense and/or Massage Mitt/Hotspot up to 3 times a day. Especially at a competition you may wish to use it before you ride as a warm up and in-between phases or rounds. However, we recommend not using the heat setting on the Heatsense for more than one cycle, or the Hotspot for more than two consecutive cycles.

Replacement batteries and chargers for the Equilibrium Massage Pad, Mitt Hotspot and Massage Mitt can be ordered & purchased directly from our website. Please note these will not fit the older Navy Mitt, if you have one of these please contact us for help.

Low – Most gentle massage ideal for: box rest and after exercise as a gentle warm down

Medium – General everyday setting for use: before exercise as a warm up, at a show to help relax after travelling and on the day off work for your horse as part of a maintenance programme

High – Use for a more intense massage.

All horses are different and you will get to know what your horse enjoys and finds relaxing. Some horses will prefer a gentle massage on the low setting and some may enjoy a more intense massage.

The battery will last at least twelve 30 minute massage sessions with the Massage Pad, however you may find it does more than this. Charge when the massage feels weaker.

We do not advise travelling in the massage pad for 2 reasons. The first is that if a horse leans on the Massage Pad on the partition this could damage the Massage Pad. Secondly, to get the most benefit out of a massage the horse needs to be stood at rest.

In our clinical trial the Massage Pad was used 6 days a week. Using it this frequently showed significant improvements in back flexibility and overall relaxation. Therefore we recommend using it at least this often to see the maximum benefits.

The Massage Pad, Mitt Hotspot and Massage Mitt were developed to provide a superficial (surface) massage to maintain the horses’ well being. This was proven in our tests by showing an increase in back flexibility and overall relaxation. The Massage Pad was not developed to replace the manual techniques of a qualified physiotherapist or massage therapist. Only a trained professional should carry out a massage to your horse that is able to reach the deeper muscles.